Language, Identity & Power

Critical linguists (e.g. Fairclough, 1989, 1995, Van Dijk, 1989, Wodak, 2011) argue that the media has the power to represent, construct and challenge particular identities. They function ideologically in their production of meanings and their construction of power relations; selecting what to make salient or what to silence. They therefore have the power to mediate […]

Organization Profile & Analysis – Conflict, Power, and Politics

Construct a profile of your organization and examine how conflict, power and politics surface. Conflict arises between individuals and work units and power and politics are used by managers to reduce conflict. What types of conflict occurs in your organization? Are there design and structure factors that contribute to these conflicts? How does the management […]

Does the financial sector have too much power in Canada?

 Your research paper is worth 20 pts. Length: minimum 1000 words (excluding title page and bibliography), typed (12 pt. font, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaces), minimum 6 sources (at least one of which must be a scholarly book or journal article. Submit a digital copy of the paper. Use APA format. ANY EVIDENCE OF PLAGIARIASM […]

Levels of Power

PBS Series Latino Americans (2013), Episode 5: Prejudice and Pride (55:16) – PBS, Capitol Crimes (2007), Part I to VII: – ANSWER THESE QUESTION: To address the importance of power in the legislative and policy advocacy process. Instructions The concept of power is important to understand when it comes to the legislative and […]

Power and Resistance in a Global Age’

‘Power and Resistance in a Global Age’ Recommended Readings Term 1 2018-19 This list is not exhaustive and is intended to guide and complement your research of the topics explored on the course. Bauman, Zygmunt (2007) Consuming Life. Polity Press Bauman, Zygmunt (2008) Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Harvard University […]

‘Power and Resistance in a Global Age’ Recommended Readings

‘Power and Resistance in a Global Age’ Recommended Readings Term 1 2018-19 This list is not exhaustive and is intended to guide and complement your research of the topics explored on the course. Bauman, Zygmunt (2007) Consuming Life. Polity Press Bauman, Zygmunt (2008) Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Harvard University […]

As the storage capacity and power of database servers improves by

 You have to talk about how data has become a raw material today and how it is necessary for corporations to use it to their advantage. Explain why. Explain how the massive potential of data has taken competition on a new level which makes it harder for those not relying on technology to function optimally. […]

Leadership-discuss the relationships between motivation, power,

 What do the leaders say about success? How can we become aware of being the source of dysfuntion? How do followers contribute to success? How do these factors interact with leadership to create success or not? Be thorough and be precise. Must use a minimum of four scholarly or peer-reviewed resources outside of required texts […]

Assignment:Create a Power Point Presentation to discuss the

Assignment: Create a Power Point Presentation to discuss the following Sgt. Eddie Johns leaned back against the chair in the outpatient orthopedic clinic. His head was killing him! He wasn’t sure which was worse, the “morning after” headache or not being able to sleep at night. At least when he had a few beers under […]

Create a power point presentation based on the following paper and

Create a power point presentation based on the following paper and questions. Power point should have 20 slides in total. 1. Assess and include transcultural beliefs including language, religious practices, socioeconomic status, end-of-life practices, dietary preferences, risky behaviors 2. Identify healthcare behaviors (i.e. nontraditional therapies) 3. Identify challenges and barriers to healthcare and outcomes related […]