STU Bipolar Disorder Type 1 Recommended Medicine Essay Nursing Assignment Help

Bipolar Disorders  Answer the questions below based on the following case study. A 20-year-old woman is brought to the local emergency department (ED) by her family. She appears restless, pacing around the waiting room, and her parents say that she has recently been asked to leave her job as a tattoo artist. She has not […]

STU Bipolar Disorder Type 1 Recommended Medicine Essay Nursing Assignment Help

Bipolar Disorders  Answer the questions below based on the following case study. A 20-year-old woman is brought to the local emergency department (ED) by her family. She appears restless, pacing around the waiting room, and her parents say that she has recently been asked to leave her job as a tattoo artist. She has not […]

‘Power and Resistance in a Global Age’ Recommended Readings

‘Power and Resistance in a Global Age’ Recommended Readings Term 1 2018-19 This list is not exhaustive and is intended to guide and complement your research of the topics explored on the course. Bauman, Zygmunt (2007) Consuming Life. Polity Press Bauman, Zygmunt (2008) Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Harvard University […]