Political theories and rights/contitution

 Contains 2 parts: All answers are to be typed, doubled spaced, free of spelling errors. Cite the Constitution (articles/amendments), Supreme court cases, executive orders where needed to prove your points. Students will earn 5 extra points when citing your answers as an: conservative, liberal, libertarian, social conservative, socialist. Part A: theories Explain in detail the […]

Political Theory and the Budget

 Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues by Thomas M. Magstadt Chapters 2, 3 (pgs 56-59),  scholarly sources you identify through your own research Initial Post Instructions Explain how a libertarian and conservative would approach developing the US budget. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from […]

Political science: State of the Union Speech

Analyze the rhetorical strategies in the State of the Union and Democrat Response originally presented on February 5 2019. Make sure to watch/analyze the entire State of the Union Speech addressed by President Trump on February 5, 2019. Your analysis should include the following: • Who are the target audiences? These are different for different […]

Political Humor

 One–Political Humor English 1C Essay One Nothing’s Serious if Nothing’s Funny For the first essay your task is to think critically about comedic (parodies or satires) and “straight” depictions of the current political situation. You will use a variety of skills covered in class—making inferences, analyzing media imagery, identifying audience and purpose, and understanding and […]

Regardless of political affiliation, individuals often grow concerned

Regardless of political affiliation, individuals often grow concerned when considering perceived competing interests of government and their impact on topics of interest to them. The realm of healthcare is no different. Some people feel that local, state, and federal policies and legislation can be either helped or hindered by interests other than the benefit to […]

Political Science / Political Theory

Reflect on the role of the “intellectual” or philosopher in public affairs. As we saw in the Euthyphro, the Apology of Socrates, the Crito, and The Republic, Plato urges us to consider how the general public often does not appreciate the value of philosophy. While in Aristophanes’ Clouds, we see a dismissive attitude to the […]

Civil Rights: What were the political, economic, and legal objectives

This essay’s question is focused on the issue of civil rights. Please answer this question thoroughly in at least 750 words, using examples from the books and posted documents. Please do not use block quotes. All essays must be properly formatted, double-spaced, with numbered pages and with your name on the first page. Questions: What […]

Create a narrative essay for political and military decision-makers

The PRC-Taiwan Crisis; Assessing Alternative Outcomes When reporting the results of your analysis, it’s important to discuss the relative likelihood of all the hypotheses, not just the most likely one.  Analytical judgments are never certain; there is always a good possibility of their being wrong. Decision makers need to make decisions on the basis of […]

Political Sciences

 1- This is an argumentative letter based on an article named “The Unpopularlity of female politicians has everything to do with sexism” https://thewalrus.ca/the-unpopularity-of-female-politicians-has-everything-to-do-with-sexism/ 2- The arguments could be supporting the author’s opinion or non supporting or somewhere in between. You can only develop your argument by examples/sources from Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of the […]

Depends on the country the writer chooses (e.g. Political Economy And

This assignment is intended to give you an opportunity to apply some key concepts from this course in a real world context. Specifically, you are required to select a country of your choice, review the country’s political economy (political, economic and legal systems) from a reputable data source such as the CIA Wold Factbook (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/) […]