NUR 620 FIU Nursing Care for Patients with Schizophrenia Nursing Assignment Help

Create a video script to reflect on a clinical encounter when you became emotionally charged during this semester with a patient experiencing psychosis or a schizophrenia-related disorder. You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. 

NUR 620 STU Psychosis in a Young Adult Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

Discuss the following: Case StudyMr. T is a 21-year-old man who is brought to the ER by his mother after he began talking about “aliens” who were trying to steal his soul. Mr. T reports that aliens left messages for him by arranging sticks outside his home and sometimes send thoughts into his mind. On […]

NUR 620 FIU Emotional Responses in Clinical Encounters Nursing Assignment Help

Clinical Experience Reflection #3 Create a video to reflect on a clinical encounter when you became emotionally charged during this semester with a patient experiencing suicidal ideation or gestures. You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and […]

NUR 2036 NYU Research Project Changes in Professional Nursing Assignment Help

Research Assignment: Changes in Professional Practice This activity is designed to help the student compare nursing research to current nursing practice.  In the classic research article, The Hazards of Immobility (1967), Download The Hazards of Immobility (1967),the effects of immobility on the functions of various body systems are discussed, as well as the nursing interventions […]

NUR 620 Florida International University Psychiatric Nursing Assignment Help

After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Case StudyMs. Z is a 28-year-old assistant store manager who arrives at your outpatient clinic complaining of sadness after her boyfriend of 6 months ended their relationship 1 month ago. She describes a history of failed romantic relationships, and says, “I don’t do well […]

NUR 620 FIU Emotional Reactions in Clinical Encounters Nursing Assignment Help

Create a video to reflect on a clinical encounter when you became emotionally charged during this semester with a patient experiencing anxiety or an e-related disorder.   You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback […]

NUR 620 STU Clinical Management Analysis of Ms JNs Clinical Nursing Assignment Help

After studying Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Case StudyMs. JN is a 24-year-old law student who presents to an outpatient psychiatry clinic accompanied by her husband. She feels “worried about everything!” She is “stressed out” about her academic workload and upcoming exams. She feels fatigued and has difficulty concentrating on her […]

NUR 620 FIU Nurse Patient Communication & Patient Outcomes Nursing Assignment Help

After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, submit one question for the week.   Instructions Post a question regarding the quiz or any other content designed for the Muddy Point assignment  The muddy point question must be unique and associated with the course content from the beginning of the course to the present.  Questions […]