Dietetic Practice in Long Term Conditions- Dietetic Care Plan

Assessment Task: Coursework – A 3000 word written assignment to develop and fully justify a dietetic care plan for a service user who is obese.   This involves critical application of the Dietetic Care process and includes: assessment and interpretation of information, calculating nutritional requirements, developing a care plan with stepped goals, setting a monitoring […]

Long term condition – Nursing

Summative assessment: 2,500 word essay, which provides your graded mark for the overall module; 100% of final mark. Analyse and critically discuss the nursing assessment, management and evaluation of the impact of living with a long term condition. The assessment is a case study written in the third person as an academic essay and should […]

Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed

NUTR Homework #2: Digestive Health  Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed food, there have been problems with digestion. Now think about how human nutrition has changed over time and across geographical locations. TASK: Identify a digestive disorder that is closely linked to a particular time or place. For example, a […]

In Watchmen, Rorschach has a psychiatrist, Malcolm Long. In Batman:

Use any sources you want for additional information. Remember to use IN TEXT CITATIONS as well as a Works Cited Page. It doesn’t matter how much of the essay is inspired by other sources as long as those sources are properly cited. The essay’s length should be around 1200 to 1500 words. You may write […]

Developing a Long Term Growth Strategy

 Respond to the following: What can you learn from the financial statements of competitors that determine the relative cost position of your company? What are some of the ways in which you can secure a sustainable cost advantage over the competition? How does maintaining a strong understanding of relative costs help you maintain the competitive […]

Economists have long held that trade benefits both parties who trade.

Main idea: Economists have long held that trade benefits both parties who trade. Recent political activity has challenged that notion. Write about the amount of trade the U.S. has with the rest of the world. Consider the amount and type of imports and exports that the U.S. is involved in. Who are our largest trade […]

Considering Cora’s long route to freedom from Georgia through South

Question #2: The Roots and Routes of African Diasporas: Considering Cora’s long route to freedom from Georgia through South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana and beyond, what was the meaning of freedom for her and other enslaved black women? Noting Kossola’s remembrance of his African roots, what was the meaning of freedom for him? Using […]