Why are the ancient legends of China of interest to historians?

You must use at least one appropriate scholarly source and one appropriate primary source. Double check with your professor to make sure the sources are appropriate.  DO support your argument with brief, appropriate quotations from the primary sources, properly cited and with quotation marks. Quotations from secondary sources (properly cited and with quotation marks) […]

Cultural Environment Analysis (China)

This is a written assignment. It needs to be 3 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12, 1.25 margins. The assignment is due on Sunday, February 24, at 11:59pm. To submit it, use the “Cultural Environment Analysis” Turnitin link that you will find by accessing the Assignments link. Each individual has to turn in one […]

Real estate of China

 Your paper topic(s) should be as narrowly defined as possible. If you already have specific research questions in mind, you may discuss them instead. There should be at least six entries for your annotated bibliography, and they should all be academic research papers or policy papers. Please use proper and consistent citation style for your […]

Discuss the possibility that India will overtake China as the world’s

Discuss the possibility that India will overtake China as the world’s most successful emerging market in the global economy in 20 years’ time? Your discussion should focus on what spurred economic growth in the two countries over the last 20 years by analysing their economic and financial reforms and policies, and legal systems. The essay […]