Pneumonia Respiratory Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

(PART 2) What is due in Module 7: Using the information in your text, scholarly resources, course lectures, videos and other depictions (e.g., graphs, tables, charts), you will discuss and research the items 1-5 below for discussion #1, which will be graded using the Discussion Rubric

following in detail. Discussions should be written or copied and pasted into the discussion. Attachments such as Word documents or PDF”s will not be accepted:

  1. The name of your topic 
  2. The body system and if in a particular organ within that body system (for example: gastroenterology: gastric ulcer)
  3. Epidemiology
    1. Who is affects (for example: men, women, children, age group)
    2. risk factors (for example: diet, hyperacidity, stress, use of NSAID’s)
    3. incidence-number of people affected 
    4. death rate of mortality in the last five years (e.g., 10%)
  4. signs or what is measurable (for example: positive blood in stool or hematochezia or melena) 
  5. Symptoms or the patient’s complaint (for example: pain in stomach and nausea)

(PART 3) What is due in Module 15: Using the information in your text, scholarly resources, course lectures and videos, you will present following the discussion grading rubri

c the following in detail:

  1. Diagnostics in detail (example: endoscopy, barium enema, stool for occult blood, abdominal x-ray)
  2. Treatments (example: medications type and detail, changes in life style such as diet, therapies such as physical, occupational or speech, self monitoring such as diabetic testing or daily weights, surgery or invasive procedures such as gastrectomy)
  3. Patient Education (example: stress reducing exercises, proper diet and hydration)

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In Module 7, the following items are due for discussion #1:

1. The name of your topic: Please choose a specific medical topic to discuss.

2. The body system and if in a particular organ within that body system: Identify the body system related to your chosen topic. If your topic is specific to an organ within that system, please mention it. For example, if your topic is gastric ulcer, the body system would be gastroenterology.

3. Epidemiology:
a. Who it affects: Specify the demographic affected by your chosen topic. It could be men, women, children, or a specific age group.
b. Risk factors: Identify the factors that contribute to the development of your chosen topic. This could include dietary habits, hyperacidity, stress, or use of NSAIDs.
c. Incidence: Provide the approximate number of people affected by your topic.
d. Death rate: Mention the mortality rate associated with your topic over the past five years. For example, if the mortality rate is 10%, state it.

4. Signs: Describe the measurable indicators associated with your chosen topic. This could include specific laboratory findings, physical examination findings, or diagnostic test results. For example, if you’re discussing gastric ulcers, mention the presence of blood in stool (hematochezia) or black, tarry stools (melena).

5. Symptoms: Outline the complaints or symptoms reported by patients with your chosen topic. This could include pain in a specific area, nausea, or any other relevant symptoms.

For Module 15, the following items are due for discussion:

1. Diagnostics in detail: Provide a comprehensive overview of the diagnostic procedures used to identify your chosen topic. This could include endoscopy, barium enema, stool occult blood testing, or abdominal X-rays.

2. Treatments: Discuss the various treatment options available for your chosen topic. This may involve medications, lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications, therapeutic interventions like physical or occupational therapy, self-monitoring protocols (e.g., diabetic testing or daily weights), or surgical procedures like gastrectomy.

3. Patient Education: Explain the importance of patient education in managing your chosen topic. Identify specific education strategies that healthcare professionals can employ to help patients reduce stress, adopt a proper diet, and maintain hydration.

Please adhere to the provided discussion rubrics for each module when submitting your responses. Remember to use credible resources, such as textbooks, scholarly articles, course materials, lectures, and videos to support your arguments and findings.

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