OSU Addressing Health Disparities Milestone Nursing Assignment Help


While the previous milestone assignments provided you with an opportunity to gather and analyze information, this assignment allows you to advocate for the health disparities you discovered in your analysis by providing a potential solution for the issue you discovered. The recommendations you put forth in this milestone will be substantiated with solid evidence.


Submit a draft of the recommendations and reflection portions of the final project (Sections IV and V).

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:


Make specific evidence-based recommendations for community-level stakeholders for positively impacting the social, behavioral, or cultural factor you selected. Be sure to justify the rationale behind your recommendations.

Make specific evidence-based recommendations for the relevant state agency (or agencies) for promoting positive change in your selected factor. Be sure to justify the rationale behind your recommendations.

Make specific evidence-based recommendations for reducing the healthcare disparity you previously identified. Be sure to justify the rationale behind your recommendations.

Make general recommendations for improving the overall public health issue you selected. Be sure to justify the rationale behind your recommendations.


Summarize the public health issue you selected and the social, behavioral, or cultural changes that would need to be made to bring about improvement.

Discuss how your recommendations would support such change. Be sure to substantiate your claims with evidence.

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As a medical professor, I understand the importance of addressing health disparities in order to improve public health outcomes. In this assignment, I will provide evidence-based recommendations for community-level stakeholders, relevant state agencies, and overall public health improvements. These recommendations aim to positively impact a specific social, behavioral, or cultural factor, as well as reduce identified healthcare disparities. Additionally, I will reflect on how these recommendations can facilitate desired changes.


1. Community-level stakeholders:
– Recommendation: Establish community health education programs targeting the identified social, behavioral, or cultural factor.
– Rationale: Education is crucial in changing behaviors and perceptions. By providing evidence-based information through programs, community members can gain a better understanding of the health disparity, its causes, and potential solutions. This can lead to increased awareness and adoption of positive health practices.

2. Relevant state agency:
– Recommendation: Implement policies that support the integration of culturally competent healthcare practices.
– Rationale: Culturally competent healthcare recognizes diversity and respects individual beliefs, practices, and values. By incorporating these principles into policies, the state agency can improve access to healthcare for diverse populations. This will help bridge the gap in healthcare disparities and promote better health outcomes for all.

3. Healthcare disparity reduction:
– Recommendation: Increase funding for healthcare programs in underserved communities.
– Rationale: Lack of access to quality healthcare services is a major contributor to healthcare disparities. By allocating sufficient funding, underserved communities can enhance healthcare infrastructure, expand healthcare services, and improve access. This will help address the identified healthcare disparity and ensure equitable healthcare for all individuals.

4. Overall public health improvement:
– Recommendation: Implement preventive health strategies and promote health literacy.
– Rationale: Prevention is key to improving overall public health. By emphasizing prevention through targeted programs and campaigns, individuals can be empowered to take charge of their health and prevent the development of chronic diseases. Improving health literacy will enable individuals to make informed decisions, seek appropriate care, and practice healthy behaviors.

The public health issue identified was a healthcare disparity in accessing mental health services among minority communities. To bring about improvement, social, behavioral, and cultural changes need to be made. These include reducing stigmatization and increasing mental health awareness among minority populations.

The recommendations provided support such change by addressing the root causes of the disparity. By conducting community health education programs and implementing culturally competent healthcare practices, individuals from minority communities will be better informed and have increased access to mental health services. Increased funding for healthcare programs in underserved communities will further enhance access and reduce disparities.

Furthermore, the general recommendations for implementing preventive health strategies and promoting health literacy will benefit the overall public health issue. By empowering individuals to prioritize their mental health and seek help when needed, the incidence of mental health issues can be reduced. Improved health literacy will ensure individuals can access appropriate care and adopt healthy behaviors, leading to improved overall mental health outcomes.

These recommendations are supported by evidence that shows the positive impact of education, culturally competent care, increased funding, prevention, and health literacy on reducing disparities and improving public health.

In conclusion, by addressing health disparities at the community, state, and general levels, we can positively impact social, behavioral, and cultural factors, reduce healthcare disparities, and improve overall public health outcomes. These evidence-based recommendations align with the goal of achieving equitable healthcare for all individuals.

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