Write a 3 page paper, not including title and reference page. Paper should follow APA guidelines with a minimum of 5 references within 5 year span. Patient: 69-year old female with Diabetes and heart Nursing Assignment Help

Write a 3 page paper, not including title and reference page.

Paper should follow APA guidelines with a minimum of 5 references within 5 year span.


69-year old female with Diabetes and heart disease. Patient has fallen 3 times in Nursing Home

Organize an interdisciplinary plan of care for your client and the delivery of safe and effective care including interventions with rationals, short term and long term goals, and desired patient outcomes. Apply standards that are evidenced based which help support for the protection of your client.Include nursing diagnosis.

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In an interdisciplinary healthcare setting, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive plan of care for patients to ensure safe and effective delivery of healthcare services. This paper aims to organize an interdisciplinary plan of care for a 69-year-old female patient with diabetes and heart disease, who has fallen three times in a nursing home. The plan will include interventions with rationales, short-term and long-term goals, desired patient outcomes, and nursing diagnoses. The standards applied will be evidence-based to ensure maximum client protection.

Interdisciplinary Plan of Care:

1. Assessment:
– Conduct a thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history, including details about the diabetes and heart disease. Assess the patient’s current status, including vital signs, blood glucose levels, cardiac function, and mobility.
– Assess the factors contributing to the patient’s falls, including environmental factors, medication side effects, underlying medical conditions, and impaired mobility.

2. Diagnosis and Goal Setting:
– Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Falls related to impaired mobility, uncontrolled blood glucose, and medication side effects.
– Short-term goal: Reduce the risk of falls within three weeks by implementing safety measures and improving mobility.
– Long-term goal: Improve the patient’s overall health status and prevent falls by managing diabetes and heart disease effectively.

3. Interventions and Rationales:
a. Implement Safety Measures:
– Ensure a clutter-free and well-lit environment to improve visibility and reduce tripping hazards.
– Install grab bars in the bathroom and hallway to provide support and prevent falls.
– Utilize bed and chair alarms to alert staff when the patient attempts to move without assistance.
– Rationale: These interventions aim to create a safe and secure environment, reducing the risk of falls and subsequent injuries.

b. Enhance Mobility:
– Collaborate with physical therapy to develop an individualized exercise program to improve strength, balance, and mobility.
– Encourage the patient to use assistive devices, such as a walker or cane, for support during ambulation.
– Rationale: By improving the patient’s mobility and strength, the risk of falls can be reduced significantly.

c. Manage Diabetes:
– Implement a comprehensive diabetes management plan, including regular blood glucose monitoring, appropriate medication administration, and education on diet and exercise.
– Collaborate with a registered dietitian to develop a tailored meal plan considering the patient’s dietary restrictions.
– Rationale: Effective diabetes management can help stabilize blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia-induced falls.

d. Manage Heart Disease:
– Administer medications as prescribed, such as anti-hypertensives, anti-platelet agents, and lipid-lowering agents, to manage heart disease effectively.
– Monitor blood pressure regularly and educate the patient on the importance of adherence to medication regimen and lifestyle modifications.
– Rationale: By controlling blood pressure and managing cardiac conditions, the risk of cardiovascular events leading to falls can be minimized.

4. Evaluation and Desired Outcomes:
– Regularly assess the patient’s mobility, balance, and blood glucose levels to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions.
– Monitor falls incidents and record any subsequent falls after implementing the care plan.
– Ensure the patient’s understanding of diabetes and heart disease management through effective education and evaluate their adherence to the plan.
– Desired outcomes include improved mobility, reduction in falls incidents, stable blood glucose levels, and adequate control of heart disease.

Designing an interdisciplinary plan of care for a patient with diabetes, heart disease, and a history of falls requires collaboration among healthcare professionals from various disciplines. By implementing evidence-based interventions, setting short-term and long-term goals, and evaluating patient outcomes, healthcare providers can effectively alleviate the risk of falls, protect the patient’s well-being, and promote a safe and healthy environment in the nursing home.

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