Working for living

 Description Article: Nunes, Ashley. (2018, May 18). WestJet’s labour dispute is about expanding union influence, not protecting existing jobs. CBC News. Retrieved from Write your response as if you were writing to a 1st-year university student with little-to-no background knowledge of the topic at hand. Your response should answer the following seven questions: 1. What is the author’s central argument (thesis)? 2. What evidence is presented to support the central argument? 3. How effectively do you think the evidence supports the central argument? 4. Who is the audience for the author? Who are they writing for, or trying to convince? 5. In your view, does this reading have particular strengths? If so, what are they? 6. In your view, does this reading have particular weaknesses? If so, what are they? 7. Do you agree or disagree with the central argument? Explain the reasoning behind your agreement or disagreement clearly and in detail. Be sure to cite the article as necessary, as well as any other sources referenced, and to include a list of works cited (a.k.a. a bibliography) at the end of the assignment.

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