How to most effectively use social media to express company identity

A six- to eight-page Formal Business Report (not including title and references pages) specific to your field of interest (see list of possible topics below and Chapters 13-15). Part II: A presentation (using PowerPoint, Prezi, or another approved presentation program) of five to ten slides that provides an overview of your Business Report. Part III: An eight- to ten-minute video of you delivering your presentation (for tips, see Chapter 16). Part I: Write a six- to eight-page Formal Business Report persuading the senior management of your organization to initiate a change in processes, procedures, products, people, or structure based on events that are currently happening in your business environment (you may use a past experience). Your business report should contain a minimum of three relevant visuals (see Chapter 17). Choose one of the following topics for your Formal Business Report: Emotional intelligence in the workplace Improving a process at work Developing training for a new skill needed at work Communicating data and information Effective decision making Parts II and III: In Week One, you identified the audience for your Business Report. Now that you have completed final draft of your report, you will now present your report to that audience in the form of a presentation. As you create your presentation, consider who your audience is and make sure that the presentation is appropriate for that audience. The presentation should be an encapsulation of the main ideas of your report. It may be helpful to think of this as the summary of the report. Your presentation must support the main purpose of your Business Report, which includes informational slides and a voiceover. Your presentation must be between eight to ten minutes in length. While there is no requirement for the number of slides you must use in your presentation, it is recommended that you use at least five slides and no more than ten slides. You must include at least two pertinent graphs, charts, tables, and/or images from your report to help illustrate and summarize the information that you are presenting. Remember, if you did not create an image, you must properly cite and caption it using APA formatting (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The slides should serve as talking points and illustrations to support your expanded oral presentation. Consult pages 478-479 of the textbook for guidelines on creating an engaging presentation, consult pages 483-488 (fig. 17.5) for guidelines on designing slides around images, and consult page 491 for a summary of the fundamentals of slide design. You may also find it useful to watch the Presentation Zen: An Overview (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video by designer Matt Helmke. When you have finished your presentation, upload it to YouTube. For step-by-step instructions on how to upload videos to YouTube, please view this video: How to Properly Upload Videos to YouTube (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. After you upload the video to YouTube, add the link to your LinkedIn profile.

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