Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system.

For this assignment, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template to complete this assignment.

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


A well-develop discussion of the problem, those affected, current ramifications, and consequences if the issue continues is presented. Strong and compelling rationale is provided. Insight into the problem and consequences is demonstrated.

A logical and well-developed idea for addressing the issue is outlined. Why legislation is the best course for advocacy is thoroughly explained. Strong and compelling rationale is provided.

Substantive evidence-based findings that support the idea for addressing the problem, including similar legislation in other states, are presented and demonstrate strong and compiling support for the idea.

All significant stakeholders in support of the proposed idea are presented and a well-supported explanation of why they are in support of the idea are provided.

All significant stakeholders in opposition to the proposed idea are presented. A well-supported explanation for why they are opposed to the idea and strategies for debating or conversing with opposing stakeholders is presented.

The financial impact for the issue and idea is clearly summarized. Strong rationale and support for claims is provided.

Legislative information needed and process to advocate for proposal are clearly and logically presented. The legislative process is clearly understood and insight into legislative advocacy is demonstrated.

A well-developed discussion of how Christian principles support unbiased advocacy for health care legislation is presented. The discussion demonstrates an ability to act impartially and in the interest of promoting inclusive patient care without regard to gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, religion, or belief.

Research is supportive of the rationale presented. Sources are distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria.

The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

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Nursing advocacy plays a significant role in the healthcare industry, as it aims to raise awareness and bring about positive changes in healthcare policies, regulations, and laws. Nurses who have real-world experiences can become motivated to promote advocacy for healthcare legislation that will benefit the industry and the patients. In this assignment, we will identify a problem or concern in our community, organization, or state that needs advocacy through legislation. By using the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template, we will analyze the problem and propose meaningful legislative changes to address it.

Problem Identification:

The problem that needs advocacy through legislation is the shortage of staffing in our local hospital. This issue is not a new one, but it has worsened over time as the demand for nurses has increased. The current shortage of nurses has led to compromised patient care, increased readmission rates, and decreased patient satisfaction.

Affected Parties:

The affected parties in this issue are the patients, hospital staff, and the community. The shortage of nursing staff leads to increased workload and stress, which can cause burnout among the nurses who provide care. The shortage of staff may also lead to excessive overtime, causing fatigue and exhaustion among the nurses, which can negatively affect patient outcomes.

Current Ramifications:

The shortage of nursing staff can compromise the quality of care in our local hospital, which can lead to readmissions, decreased patient outcomes, and patient dissatisfaction. Additionally, the shortage of nursing staff can lower the morale and the willingness of nurses to continue working in the hospital setting, resulting in a decrease in retention rates and increased healthcare costs.


If the current shortage of nurse staffing continues, the issue can lead to a more significant shortage of nurses in the future, affecting the provision of care and patient outcomes in our hospital. Furthermore, the shortage of nursing staff can also lead to potential lawsuits, poor hospital ratings, and a decrease in healthcare reimbursement.


Legislation is the best course for advocacy to address this issue. The legislative change we are proposing is requiring hospitals to maintain a specific nurse-to-patient ratio to ensure adequate staffing levels. This proposal can also introduce incentives to attract nurses to work in areas facing the most significant nursing shortages.

Evidence-Based Findings:

Several studies have shown a positive correlation between nurse staffing levels and better patient outcomes. According to a study conducted by the American Nurses Association, inadequate staffing can lead to higher patient mortality rates, increased hospital-acquired infections, and longer treatment times. Other states have introduced similar legislation that has shown positive results, such as improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

Stakeholders in Support:

Our proposal has support from various significant stakeholders, including nursing associations, patients’ rights groups, and healthcare providers. The nursing association believes that adequate staffing levels are vital to providing quality patient care, while patients’ rights groups believe that adequate staffing levels would promote better outcomes for patients.

Stakeholders in Opposition:

The hospital administration and other healthcare providers may oppose this proposal, as it can affect their budget and the allocation of resources. The opposition may consider the proposed nurse-to-patient ratio as a costly measure that may financially burden the hospital.

Financial Impact:

The implementation of the proposed nurse-to-patient ratio may require an initial investment, but the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. Studies have shown that adequate staffing levels can lead to cost savings in the long term.

Legislative Process:

To advocate for the proposed legislation, we will need to identify the relevant legislators and present the bill for their consideration. We will need to develop a comprehensive legislative strategy and work with other stakeholders to promote the proposed legislation.

Christian Principles:

As healthcare providers, we must all adhere to Christian principles and recognize the value of human life. This legislation proposal aligns with Christian principles by promoting quality healthcare outcomes that prioritize the patient’s well-being.


The shortage of nursing staff in our local hospital is a significant issue that requires immediate action. The proposed legislation of enforcing a nurse-to-patient ratio can improve the quality of care and ensure better patient outcomes. By advocating for this legislative change, we can promote positive changes in our healthcare system to benefit patients, nurses, and the community.

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